Sunday, June 15, 2008

fix my mind with a final destination.

soooooo a friend of mine mentioned something about starting their blog back up, and i had completely forgotten about this little endeavor i was so dedicated in starting-- all of like 5 posts i made haha. soooo here it goes again, round 2! i reread everything i had written before and i now fully understand what a dark point i was in my life, but no worries!! i'm in the sunlight now, or at least have a much more optimistic view on life right now. so any updates?? i have a job at the memphis zoo working with primates that is unpaid and no other job. don't worry i'm not going to get depressed-- i'll get a job soon and the internship is AMAZING!! i'm really just enjoying the summer time and being with people i care about-- it's different being away from memphis but knoxville has been treating me pretty well lately. boy update???-- nada, i'm still enjoying single status, haven't had any "interactions" in about 3 weeks, but again, i'm cool with that (for now ha). anwyays, I'm extremely content currently and i think the rest of the summer is looking pretty hopeful as well, i'll tell you a little about it ;)

*currently listening to: Vegas by Sara Bareilles

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